Sunday 21 June 2020

LEGO GhostBusters Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

The Messing Set of 3
My Hunt List for you all ;D
And PDF Build Plan
Lat the Building Start :D

Lucky for us all
The Creator BrentWaller
Put the Build Plan up on he's Wep
for us all :D

(( Click Here For The PDF Plan, Links and info ))

Theirs NO Bricks Hunt List for this
So i spent 4 to 5 days 
Making one for you All 
so you all can Hunt fore,
all the Brick Peaches you need :D

And Theirs a Lot
1309 Bricks
in all :D

So hears my JPG
Hunt List for you All

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

Plies lad me know if I mad any Mistake so I can Fix them ;D

Hop You Like My JPG List
Enjoy The Hunt You All :D

Kip op to date on
the Blog & on Twitter
Contact Me

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